Our Mission

Helping patients to higher ground, providing the tools to stay there.

Teaching Tools, Combined with Science, Common Sense, Commitment,
Connectibility, Compassion and Highest Credentialed Physicians and Clinicians!

A Foundation for Success

SeeingU believes that even one failure is too many.

A foundation is established upon entry into SeeingU programs, which remain heavily dependent upon the traditional clinical methods of treating pain and trauma sufferers. However, recognizing the indisputable importance of the Biopsychosocial contributing elements as enhancements to standard protocol provides a framework in which to achieve healing success.

SeeingU programs foster holistic engagement that boosts a person’s sense of purpose, strengthen social and community relationships, and dramatically improve recovery outcomes.


Peeling back the Onion of an Injured person
One day, Sam is driving and sadly has an accident on the way to work. As in many cases, the first stop on the journey for Sam is a trip to the ER- to do the medical diagnostics necessary to treat his acute injury. Diagnostically it is revealed there is trauma, a lumbar disc protrusion pressing on a nerve in his back. The necessary steps are taken to medically address the protocol for Sam and follow up instructions to his Primary Care Physician. Sam is in what we call an acute phase of pain, meaning less than 6 months in duration.

Sam follows up with his PCP as instructed but is showing signs that are beyond an acceptable point of reference for acute phase, complaining of his pain spreading to unrelated areas of his body, that have no pathophysiological basis, a high level of anxiety, anger, noncompliance, depression, accelerated heart rate etc. A PCP should be unquestionably alerted that Sam is demonstrating a medical condition accompanied by psychosocial complications, known as a Biopsychosocial presentation.

Biopsychosocial pain disorders are by definition disorders having three dimensions:
Biological, Psychological and Social

Initial assessment testing must begin with a composite of biopsychosocial factors, fully recognizing the influence of the psychosocial makeup of each individual affecting the biological component.

If any of the three dimensions are ignored it will seriously impact and ignite a variety of factors that could elevate Sam’s injury to a chronic phase, diminishing the quality and functionality of his life. It is up to the primary care physician to begin a referral process, as early as possible for the best results and prevent the downward spiral into an intractable condition.
     Always Aiming at Results.

Pain-tients "Bill of Rights"

Feel: Hope not Hopeless
Feel: Admired not Abandoned
Feel: Courageous not Cowardly
Feel: Rational not Irrational
Feel: Power not Powerless
Feel: Possibilities not Impossibilities
Feel: Fearless not Fearful
Feel: Respected not Disrespected

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