The SeeingU Difference

Effective Biopsychosocial tracks to healing.


Individualized Treatment Plans

There is no blanket treatment for chronic pain, trauma and disorders. Our team of multidimensional clinicians, physicians and care coaches develop custom treatment plans to maximize biopsychosocial treatment efficacy.

Accelerated Assessment Schedule

Patient progress is assessed and reported weekly by SeeingU Chair Coach team members involved. A patient and their Care Coach then work closely together to develop the upcoming week’s treatment program. This week-by-week assessment model ensures that treatment plans can be adjusted as changes occur.

Care Coaching

SeeingU protects patients’ feelings of identity and respect by assigning each participant a Care Coach specializing in crucial recovery needs. Insight from our unique, collaborative care model is used to design CareTrack programs that get patients where they need to be by meeting patients where they are today.

Ancillary Activities​

In addition to clinical treatment, each patient’s unique care plan includes specialized ancillary activities based on personal interests and goals. SeeingU’s network of providers offer state-of-the-art workshops and classes in art, mindfulness, yoga & meditation, and more. Including these ancillary activities aid in building stress management and resourcing skills that can reduce the effects of chronic pain and disorders.


Healing is a daily journey. In addition to SeeingUniversity activities, SeeingU patients track their progress with a “Day in the Life” calendar designed especially for SeeingU’s biopsychosocial approach. Using an online app or physical calendar to chart appointments, Care Coach meetings, and daily achievements help patients recognize and celebrate their accomplishments.

Convenient Access

SeeingU offers a mobile app and online portals where patients can sign up for group classes, complete self-directed online courses, and attend virtual appointments with providers and Care Coaches. Carefully designed with just the right balance between technology and human support, the SeeingU team’s Chair Coach of Technology is always on-hand to assist with logistical challenges.

With SeeingU, care is only a click or phone call away.


SeeingUniversity is an online educational platform for every party involved in the process of managing chronic pain, trauma, and disorders. Patients can access their self-directed courses and progress trackers. Seeing University for CareTracks is designed to maintain motivation and measure patient engagement with relevant programming.

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